“Almost Yesterday” Throwback Party

11th wundr


MINNEAPOLIS – Oct. 12, 7:00 – 11:00 p.m. – Street Artist Eleventh Wonder’s solo gallery debut took Gamut Gallery by storm, with nearly half the show selling opening night. “Wundr” chose his title “Almost Yesterday” to express the hazy nostalgia his pieces embody, from the reclaimed vintage canvasses to the timeless, childlike adventures his characters pursue. The grand finale of this celebrated exhibit is a swingin’ homage to yesterday. Partygoers are encouraged to dress in vintage or vintage inspired attire. Musician and educator, James Patrick will be playing an all vinyl WWII era swing jazz set from the likes of Benny Goodman, Count Basie and Duke Ellington. To really get the party going, at 8:00 p.m. seasoned swing dancers will take the floor, for a gravity defying performance.

Gamut Gallery open hours are every Thursday and Saturday, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. Gallery members advise coming as soon as possible to own part of the Almost Yesterday series. During open hours, now and through the closing party, one can also view the signature Wundr birds resting by the front and back windows. There are more than 30 birds in all, each 2D cutout is about two feet tall and each one is unique. Be on the lookout around town, where these birds will be released in the spirit of freedom.

Eleventh Wonder produces art in a variety of media; including conceptual street art installations, spray painted murals, and illustration. He has exhibited locally, holds a degree in graphic design, and has worked professionally as a muralist.  His signature characters began to develop in 2005.

“WUNDR’s art work is often a reminisce of childhood, with a thirst for adventure, and an abstraction of our environment.  His characters are not a representation of any specific individual, but are molded from pieces of all of us.  They are inspired by mental snapshots of our society, childhood associations, abstractions of feelings and emotions, self reflections and by the people that we interact with daily.”  – EleventhWonder.com